Look Me in the Eyes – Nicholas Jonas

11 02 2010

Hey guys, haven’t been updating lately. So yea, I wanna show you a video that I made by myself, it’s Look Me in the Eyes by Nicholas Jonas A.K.A Nick Jonas. Enjoy!

and oh yeah, my Youtube channel called: PyroLionVideos

The Dreamer

New Header

27 01 2010

So yea, as you can see, I’ve changed my header again, it’s actually a computer project and I have to make it myself. This is the original version..
The original one

Well, it’s not really the real original one, this one has been resized. The original one has been deleted.

The Dreamer

Hey! I’m Back!

27 01 2010

Hey world! It has been long since he last time I manage my blog.. a really long time. That’s because I’m in grade 9 in 2nd term, so I don’t have much time to post any news about games, books, or my imagination. There’s gonna be a National Test coming! Well, yea, that’s for being a 9th grader..

The Dreamer

Epic Duel

23 12 2009

You online gamers freak must’ve known about games called Dragon Fable, Adventure Quest, Mech Quest, and of course, Adventure Quest Worlds. Or we can call it AQWorlds. All of those are games from Artix Entertainment. And yea, AQWorlds is the most popular game of all the Artix Entertainment games, at least that’s what I think. But, the first game is Dragon Fable and it used to be a major hit in my elementary school. I was in Grade 6 when I started playing it.

I think AQWorlds got the most popularity because it’s a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or we can call it MMORPG and it’s on web browser so you don’t even have to download it. You maybe unfamiliar to the name MMORPG, but let me tell you. It’s a game where you can meet people, chat with them, and fight with them side by side. That’s the different between AQWorlds and other Artix Entertainment games. In other games, it’s not multiplayer, you’re alone.

But, I’m not going to tell you about AQWorlds, I’m gonna tell you about the new game of Artix Entertainment, Epic Duel. It’s a MMORPG too, but it’s different. In AQWOrlds, you have to be a member to do PvP or Player vs Player where you can battle other players. But, in Epic Duel, it’s the main thing. You have to do PvP to raise up your level and all. There’s no such thing as Quest in Epic Duel, unlike AQWorlds. That’s what my brother don’t like about it, and what I like about it. It’s simple. I’m already in level 14 and it’s quite cool. It tooks me a long time to gain it. And I don’t have hacks for this one, sorry, but I don’t wanna hack in this game. Unlike AQWorlds, if I hack, then there’s no fun at all.

My character is Peter Shock. I took the name from my favorite character in one of my favorite book, Gideon the Cutpurse. Be sure to find me when you have register to play this game. To play, first you have to register a master account in: http://portal.battleon.com/ Then, you just got to find the link where you can verify your account so you can play Epic Duel, just find it.

P.S. You might find that now I use paragraph, it’s to make it easier for you guys to read it.

The Dreamer

Nick Jonas’ New Solo Album

10 12 2009

You guys must’ve heard that Nick is going to launch a new solo album, and it’s going to be Nick Jonas and the Administration! And I really can’t wait for it! I didn’t know when is the release date yet, but I can’t wait for it, and I HAVE to buy it no matter what! I’m sure that it would be great, because Nick has a talent for music. Here is the album cover:

The Dreamer

Hip Hop Master Minds

10 12 2009

Have you seen “Bounce”? It’s a video created by Hip Hop Master Minds. It’s members are: Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Demi Lovato, Big Rob, etc. I’m sure you guys have heard that names before. They only got one song right now, but I hope that there would be more. In this video they are disguising as different person, Nick even wear a fake mustache! You could watch Bounce right here:

Hope you like it! And if you do, you could download it here:


The Dreamer

Mr. Owl

9 12 2009

So yea, this is a really silly song that I made, hope you enjoy it..

In the dark night
All the people
Has gone to sleep
But someone still awake
And that is Mr. Owl

Who lives in the zoo
Just a few blocks from my house
And I hear him goes
Woo woo woo woo
All the way trough the night

In the zoo
Where all the animals have a mate
And each of them are having fun
But there’s someone who doesn’t
And that’s Mr. Owl

He can’t get a mate
Cause he’s the only one to sleep in the day
And awake in the night
And I hear him goes
Woo woo woo woo
All the way trough the night
Cause he’s one lonely owl

But someone arrived at the zoo
And guess what!?
It’s a girl owl!
And how happy Mr. Owl was
He finally got a mate
Who’s as weird as him

And now I hear them goes
Woo woo woo woo
All the way trough the night
‘Cause Mr. and Mrs. Owl are having a great time
Chasing a mouse

It sounds kinda childish, but it actually has a deep meaning about not being accepted because of the differences between them.

The Dreamer

Indonesian King Kong

9 12 2009

Sebuah trailer film konyol bikinan gw


Selamat menikmati

The Dreamer

Fred Figglehorn

9 12 2009

Hey guys, have u heard the phenomenal kid in Youtube, Fred Figglehorn? His real name is actually Lucas Cruikshank but he made this cool show and he’s showing as Fred Figglehorn. He is really hilarious, I really love his shows! This is one of his music video, I hope u enjoy it!

And by the way, you can download it at:


And you can see the official website at:


The Dreamer

Cerita berbahasa Indonesia 1 (20/11/09)

20 11 2009

Tadi, ketika menjalani TO gw mengalami pengalaman yang cukup bikin gw rada takut. Jadi begini..

Pada siang hari yang terik di tengah musim hujan, seorang anak mengerjakan soal TO IPAnya… Anjrit ni soal! Mau ngebunuh gw apa!? Memang, TO yang dia kerjakan sangatlah rumit dan tidak manusiawi. (Salah sendiri sih gak belajar). Tapi anak itu tetap mencoba keberuntungannya Bismillahirahmannirahim…oh b. Tiba-tiba ketika anak itu sedang asik-asiknya mengerjakan soal, jantung anak itu serasa loncat! Tanpa sebab tanpa apa-apa! eh..masa sih jantung gw masalah? atau karena gw saking takutnya sama ini tes? Akhirnya anak itu diam sesaat nunggu.. untungnya itu jantung udah gak mau loncat lagi! Ketika mulai mengerjakan soal TOnya si anak lupa dengan kejadian tsb karena sibuk memaki-maki soal TO IPA yang berada di hadapannya..(sebaiknya tidak usah diberitahu apa yang dikatakannya karena tidak baik untuk ditiru).. Tidak ada imajinasi untuk hari ini karena otak gw sedang penuh dengan pelajaran..

The Dreamer